


This website is the main portal at 科林大学 for resources and information

about dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based harassment,

No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by a recipient which receives Federal financial assistance.

-第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (第九条)

科林大学 strives to maintain a healthy and safe environment w在这里 all members of its campus community are treated with dignity and respect.
火博体育官网致力于遵守 第九条, which prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, retaliation, sex discrimination, 性侵犯,性骚扰和跟踪 in federally funded education programs 和活动.
科林大学 is an equal opportunity institution that provides educational and employment opportunities without discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or other legally 保护类.
科林大学 prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against any student 以性或性别为基础的. 对任何参与投诉的人进行报复 process is a violation of 科林大学 policy and is prohibited.


科林大学's 第九条 Coordinators and Deputy 第九条 Coordinators

根据联邦法律 第九条 regulations, 科林大学 has designated employees to serve as 第九条 coordinators 以及第九条副协调员.

查看 contact information for these employees, 点击 在这里.

科林大学's 第九章投诉解决程序

To learn about 科林大学's 第九章投诉解决程序, 点击 在这里.

查看火博体育官网的 第九条投诉解决流程手册 for 科林大学 Students and Employees, 点击 在这里.


Bystander intervention occurs when a witness speaks up and/or steps in to stop a potentially 危险的处境. Bystanders often do not become involved in a situation because they do not know what to do, are worried about their own safety, or think other witnesses 将进行干预.

To learn more about bystander intervention and how to become an active bystander, 点击 在这里.


科林大学's definitions of prohibited conduct 可以找到 在这里.


In some instances prohibited conduct occurs because people do not have a good understanding 什么是同意性行为. 因此,拥有是很重要的 对这个概念有很好的理解.

科林大学's and the State of Texas's definitions of consent to sexual activity 可以找到 在这里.

2 Minutes Will Change the Way You Think About Consent


To learn about 科林大学 employees' duty to report prohibited conduct under Texas 州法律,点击 在这里.


To learn about pregnant and parenting students' rights under 第九条 和德州法律,点击 在这里.

要查看 怀孕及育儿学生' Rights and Supportive Measures 包,点击 在这里.


To learn about 科林大学's primary and ongoing prevention and awareness programs, 点击 在这里.


To learn about the recommended procedures survivors should follow, 点击 在这里.


If you need to report an incident of prohibited conduct or would like to learn about 火博体育官网的报告程序,点击 在这里.


In accordance with requirements under federal law, when a student or employee reports to 科林大学 they have been a victim of prohibited conduct, whether the offense occurred on or off campus, 科林大学 will provide the student or employee with a written notification of their rights, options, and supportive measures, which will outline appropriate on- and off-campus resources as well as steps the student or employee 可能会根据他们需要的服务来选择. 此书面通知将 be provided to the student or employee whether or not they choose to submit a formal 投诉被禁止的行为.

In the event a complaint is filed and the appropriate 第九条 coordinator, deputy 第九条 coordinator, or designee determines an investigation should be initiated, supportive measures will also be offered to the respondent.

要查看 Complainant's 权利、选择和支持措施 包,点击 在这里.

要查看 被投诉人的权利和支持措施 包,点击 在这里.


Risk reduction consists of options designed to decrease perpetration and bystander inaction, increase empowerment in an effort to promote safety, and help individuals and communities address conditions that facilitate violence. 火博体育官网的小学 and ongoing prevention and awareness programs include information on risk reduction strategies that is appropriate for the needs of the 科林大学 community and does 不要鼓励受害者责备.

了解更多火博体育官网降低风险的策略 在这里.


查看火博体育官网的 annual Chief Executive Officer (CEO) reports that are required 根据德克萨斯州法律,点击 在这里.


查看 第九条 resources provided by 科林大学, the State of Texas, and the federal government, 点击 在这里.


根据联邦法律 第九条 regulations, 科林大学 maintains and publishes on its website the material used to train all employees who participate in the college's 第九条 Complaint Resolution 过程.

要查看这些培训材料,请单击 在这里.


如果你有火博体育官网 第九条, please contact any of the 第九条 coordinators or deputy 第九条 coordinators listed 在这里 或者发邮件给 titleix@shadleysoapstone.com.